here are the best 5 websites for downloading free android games.
if you like android games and have an android device then you probably wanted to download alot of games but you did't know where can you download it from, or maybe you found it but it's not free.therefore i had the idea of writing this post to share you the best 5 websites for downloading free games on your android device, so you don't really have to pay anything, however here we go:

the first website
the website is supported by Nvidia, has alot of different free games and payed too,and what is special about this website is that it provides downloading via QR code.
the second website
android.mob website also provides free and great games , what is really cool about this one is that it gives you a direct link to download your game, so you don't have to go through alot of ads , at last i say it definitely worth trying.

the third website
androidshock is definitely the best for downloading free games,you can also find payed games but really cheap so the price is not like google playstore or any other websites.
the fourth website
androidgamesroom's website one of the best alternatives of google playstore, whatever it provides you a quick responding of the QR code.
the website is renewed every week with more and new free apps.

the fifth website
1 mobile is also one of the most famous websites on the internet that provides alot of free apps for android phones, you can directly download the app you are searching for and enjoy it.
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