when you delete a file from your pc or your mobile phone have you ever wondered about where
does it go ?
well, first to understand this i have how is these files being saved.
how files are being saved on the hard disk ?
for those who don't know, the hard disk is devided into small sections named ''sectors" using the binary code, (0,1,0....)
now we know that is the files is being saved on the sectors.
so how are the files actually removed from the sectors ?
actually it's not being removed at all!!
can you believe this ? and if you didn't, then how are the files sometimes being recovered after removing it ???
i simply reply to this quesion that it hasn't been removed at all!!
but wait! how does the hard disk show, there is nothing in it ?, if the files havn't been removed.
in fact when you delete anyfile the sectors which is the file saved in allow to rewrite a new binary code for new files, but if no files were saved on these sectors then the old files would stay, but you can't see it or recover it, without special programs for doing that.
so are you saying that the files weren't completley deleted ?
in fact yes,it weren't completely deleted, so the files on the sectors are still recoverable.
does that mean that i can't remove a file completly from the computer ?
sure you can get rid of a file forever, but this process needs a special programs for doing that,therefore these types of programs can remove the file completly and firectly from the sectors.
and in fact the deleted files could simply be recovered, cause it havn't been actually removed.
how can i restore deleted files ?
well, i am writing about that in another post :)
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does it go ?
well, first to understand this i have how is these files being saved.
how files are being saved on the hard disk ?
for those who don't know, the hard disk is devided into small sections named ''sectors" using the binary code, (0,1,0....)
now we know that is the files is being saved on the sectors.
so how are the files actually removed from the sectors ?
actually it's not being removed at all!!
can you believe this ? and if you didn't, then how are the files sometimes being recovered after removing it ???
i simply reply to this quesion that it hasn't been removed at all!!
but wait! how does the hard disk show, there is nothing in it ?, if the files havn't been removed.
in fact when you delete anyfile the sectors which is the file saved in allow to rewrite a new binary code for new files, but if no files were saved on these sectors then the old files would stay, but you can't see it or recover it, without special programs for doing that.
so are you saying that the files weren't completley deleted ?
in fact yes,it weren't completely deleted, so the files on the sectors are still recoverable.
does that mean that i can't remove a file completly from the computer ?
sure you can get rid of a file forever, but this process needs a special programs for doing that,therefore these types of programs can remove the file completly and firectly from the sectors.
and in fact the deleted files could simply be recovered, cause it havn't been actually removed.
how can i restore deleted files ?
well, i am writing about that in another post :)
don't forget to like my facebook page if you like the blog.
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