hello everyone today i have a very special post for you, "yeeeeaaah" finally counter strike on android devices"
about the game:
counter strike is absolutely one of the best games in the world, which you can play on the internet or on a local network connection (LAN).
the game game was released as a Half-Lifemodification by Minh "Gooseman" Le and Jess "Cliffe" Cliffe in 1999 is basically a series of battles between two teams, the terrorists and the counter terrorists, in each battle you will choose and buy your own weapons to reach the highest score you can achieve.
before i go too far talking about this great game, let me begin explaining how to play counter strike on your android device.
how to install on android device:
what is the requirements for running the game ?
- for sure you will need a android device.
- you will also need "Xash3D" from this link: download
- and then you will have to download the game file from here: download
- but that's not everthing, you also have to have the game on steam.
- finally, follow these structions from the project site:
- congrats! now you have counter strike game on your android device, if you have any quesions, you can post a comment, and don't forget to like my facebook page.
preview of the game:
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